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How to Fuck Local MILFs in a Non Obvious Way

You have to understand that a lot of guys are drama kings when on MILF sites like They love attention. In fact, in many cases, there’s really no difference between a guy and a typical bitch. Seriously.

They are starved for attention. They are attention whores. They think that the spotlight is always on them. They think that the whole world revolves around their lives and people really, truly give a fuck about what’s going on in their lives.

Not surprisingly, they make a big deal of the fact that they fuck local MILFs. Big fucking deal? Seriously. These guys talk and talk, but when it comes down to action, they’d be lucky to fuck local MILFs every once in a while.

Now, this is nothing to write home about because that’s probably the kind of sexual frequency you enjoy in your life. You would know that it’s frustrating, you know that’s nothing to write home about, but these guys make a big deal out of it because they like the attention.

So if you really want to take your MILF fucking skills as well as success rate to a whole higher level, fuck being obvious. Don’t talk about it and be about it. In other words, instead of flapping your gums and opening your mouth, focus on what needs to be done. This is how guys who get laid all the time operate. That’s why they are successful.

So stop talking, stop craving attention, nobody really gives a fuck. Focus more on how you can learn from the local MILFs in your area so you can fuck more of them. That’s the bottom line. You have to understand that the whole concept of trying to fuck local MILFs is nothing new. Other guys have done it before you. Other guys have been successful. The good news is, if they can do it, so can you.